It's 2017 and people are still being discriminated against because of their choice to have tattoos- fact. What is it about tattoos that makes a person un-hireable? Is it the stigma behind being inked?
Recently I have noticed an increase of people, particularly younger people, getting tattoos. It's become a kind of fashion. It is our human right to do whatever we want to our body and for someone to say 'you can't work here if you've got tattoos' is like saying 'you can't express your rights in whatever way you choose' and, to me, that's wrong.
The reason I know it's still happening today is because a national business, who will remain unnamed, has recently put a 'help wanted' poster up in one of its branches stating that people with tattoos need not bother applying for the job. When I heard about this it really grated on me, I've been sat stewing in my own anger. It's not just because I myself have tattoos, as you can see, but because people are dictating what you can and can't do because of the way you look.
Imagine a 'help wanted' poster which stated 'women need not apply for the job' there would be uproar for the fact that they say you shouldn't apply for a job simply because you have a vagina. Does that sound fair? Imagine a 'help wanted' poster with stated 'homosexuals need not apply for the job'. It's discrimination and it's discrimination for people with tattoos to get turned down for a job role because of that fact.
When you sit down in that chair and get tattooed, you do not suddenly turn into a thug, you start expressing yourself through art on your body. Having tattoos doesn't make you a bad person. I'm sure there are many bad people in the world who don't have tattoos and there are some pretty decent people who do have them- I've met a few!
Discrimination in the work place needs to stop, employers need to accept that being tattooed is actually a trend right now so it will probably become increasingly difficult to hire employees without some sort of ink on their body. Being tattooed does not stop you from working, it does not stop you from being a hard worker and it sure as hell does not mean you are not right for the job you are applying for. Make a change and stand up for your human rights.
Thank you for reading!
B x