Hi everyone! I’ve survived another week, but only just. I had to go to the out of hours last night and have been told that I actually have tonsillitis, so as you can guess I’m in quite a bit of pain. However, I have still plowed through this week like the little champ I am and I have also done my measurements for this week too, however I am still only doing my weight every 2 weeks so you will have to wait until next week for my next weight update!
Height, weight, measurements and BMI.
Height is the same as ever and as I’ve mentioned above, I’m not weighing myself until next week so you’ll have to read next weeks blog to see how that is going. HOWEVER, I am treating you all to my measurements update:
Chest: Before 40.5 Then 41 Now 38
Waist: Before 33.5 Then 32.5 Now 32
Belly Button: Before 40.5 Then 37.5 Now 36.5
Hips: Before 42 Then 40.5 Now 39
Thighs: Before 24 Then 24.5 Now 23
Calf: Before 15.5 Then 15 Now 14.5
Arms: Before 13 Then 12.5 Now 12
Remember that the last 2 lots of measurements are only 7 days apart... 7 DAYS.
What I’m eating.
This week we introduced natural yoghurt which makes the berries extra scrummy! I am having to eat only soft things at the moment due to my tonsils being the size of a golf ball (that’s probably a slight exaggeration but I am in a lot of pain) for my lunch I have been reaching for salads with different cold meats, mainly turkey. I have also realised this week that tomatoes do not agree with me, I had quite a bad attack of acid reflux for maybe 5 days in a row and it suddenly dawned on me that I used to always have trouble with tomatoes giving me little ulcers in my mouth so maybe they’re just too acidic for me in general. Staying away from tomatoes from now on! With my soft food diet, I have also been advised to get some protein shakes and basically drink my meals, now that doesn’t sound appetising to some people, but it’s just the same as drinking smoothies all day, yum!!!
How I feel.
If I leave aside the fact that I obviously feel like death warmed up, I’m actually starting to get my confidence back. I can see myself getting smaller and I can feel myself getting healthier. I have to walk up 4 flights of stairs at work every day- multiple times a day. When I first started I couldn’t get up those stairs without getting out of breath by the second flight. Now I can walk up and down those stairs however many times a day and I do not even feel it! I know how much I am progressing because I have now upped my weights during my workouts! Hell yes! Your girl is getting fit.
Goals set.
If you follow me on Instagram you will see that I did actually go for a walk with my children this week, we met some horses, then it started literally hailing on us so we had to get home and fast. I also took them to the park on Thursday after picking my son up from Nursery. I was planning to do a lot more but I just haven’t got the energy with being ill. However, half term is coming up and I have so many plans! My goal this week is to try to keep my protein intake up while I’m poorly and still try to do my workouts even if I don’t feel like it. That doesn’t seem like a big goal but you should all know how gross you feel when you are ill and how little you want to do and eat.
I really hope you are loving this series of blog posts! Let me know if you are! If you don’t already then go follow me on instragram.com/thebbblog
If you want to follow Poynton Fitness who run this programme (which you should) here are their social media’s:
Instagram: instagram.com/poynton_fitness
Twitter: twitter.com/SLIMM1NGSECRETS
Facebook: facebook.com/PoyntonFitness/
Website: https://www.poyntonfitness.co.uk/
Thank you for reading!
Bryony x
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